
Part of practicing A Course in Miracles, pure non-dualism-  is to learn what Jesus means my certain words.   In the back of the Course is a Manual for Teachers which includes a section called Clarification of Terms where Jesus defines words such as Spirit, Mind, Christ, Ego, Forgiveness, etc.    As I have time I will be adding more words to this alphabetic listing so you can gain understanding about the two thought systems the Course discusses – Holy Spirit (Voice for God) and ego (false thought system wanting you to believe you are a body, living in a body, experiencing you are a body).  Please do not get me wrong…while you are studying the Course to wake up and remember you are immortal spirit living in God’s Mind now, you still maintain the body, visit a doctor if need be  and do not put the body in harms way.

Below I will list where in the Course you can find the truths about each word and I will write From Glenda when I put info after the Course truths.

Alter:  T-12.III.10.  If you will recognize that all the attack you perceive is in your own mind and nowhere else, you will at last have placed its source, and where it begins it must end.  For in this same place also lies salvation.  The altar of God where Christ abideth is there.  You have defiled the altar, but not the world.  Yet Christ has placed the Atonement on the altar for you. Bring your perceptions of the world to this altar, for it is the altar to truth.  There you will see your vision changed, and there you will learn to see truly.  From this place, where God and His Son dwell in peace and where you are welcome, you will look out in peace and behold the world trulyYet to find the place, you must relinquish your investment in the world as you project it, allowing the Holy Spirit to extend the real world to you from the altar of God. From Glenda:  As you practice true forgiveness on what shows up in front of your face, Holy Spirit heals your unconscious guilt that you left God so that your thoughts of separation are removed from your mind which have been imprisoning your spark of light.   With enough forgiveness practice and realizing your brother is your savior, your light can be released so that you can know the Great Ray which connects you eternally to God.

Answer:   From Glenda: the answer is to practice true forgiveness  so that you can realize you are doing all this to yourself in  your mind…there is nothing outside of you.  T-12.III.5. Salvation is for the mind, and it is attained through peace.  This is the only thing that can be saved and the only way to save it.  Any response other than love arises from a confusion about the “what” and the “how” of salvation, and this is the only answer.  Never lose sight of this, and never allow yourself to believe, even for an instant, that there is another answer.  For you will surely place yourself among the poor, who do not understand that they dwell in abundance and that salvation is come.  From Glenda:   There is nobody out there – what seems to be projected outside of you are merely false images that you are mentally reviewing in your mind.    You must ultimately learn these images are being projected from your mind to look like they are outside of you…but this is just a big egoic trick!   The images are in your mind which you are mentally reviewing.   As you practice the Course lessons & true forgiveness you will be able to sort the true from the false so that you can take back control of your mind to only listen to the Voice for God and remember you are immortal spirit and not listen to the ego thoughts in your mind which tell you, you are a body separate from God and your brothers.  Your only remaining freedom is freedom of choice – which thought system are you listening to – Voice for God or false, untrue ego?  Your feelings tell you which thought system you are listening to so you can choose again to ask Holy Spirit for help to see things differently.

Answer:  Here is the Answer – Forgiveness.    W-122  Forgiveness offers everything I want.  What could you want forgiveness cannot give?  Do you want peace?  Forgiveness offers it.  Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world?  Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always?  Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset?  All this forgiveness offers you, and more. It sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day. It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of fear and evil, malice and attack.  And when you wake again, it offers you another day of happiness and peace.  All this forgiveness offers you, and more.    Forgiveness lets the veil be lifted up that hides the face of Christ from those who look with unforgiving eyes upon the world. It lets you recognize the Son of God, and clears your memory of all dead thoughts so that remembrance of your Father can arise across the threshold of your mind.  What would you want forgiveness cannot give?  What gifts but these are worthy to be sought?   What fancied value, trivial effect or transient promise, never to be kept, can hold more hope than what forgiveness brings?
Why would you seek an answer other than the answer that will answer everything?  Here is the perfect answer, given to imperfect questions, meaningless requests, halfhearted willingness to hear, and less than halfway diligence and partial trust.  Here is the answer!  Seek for it no more. You will not find another one instead.   God’s plan for your salvation cannot change, nor can it fail.  Be thankful it remains exactly as He planned it.  Changelessly it stands before you like an open door, with warmth and welcome calling from beyond the doorway, bidding you to enter in and make yourself at home, where you belong.    Here is the answer!  Would you stand outside while all of Heaven waits for you within?  Forgive and be forgiven. 4 As you give you will receive.  There is no plan but this for the salvation of the Son of God.  Let us today rejoice that this is so, for here we have an answer, clear and plain, beyond deceit in its simplicity.  All the complexities the world has spun of fragile cobwebs disappear before the power and the majesty of this extremely simple statement of the truth.   Here is the answer!  Do not turn away in aimless wandering again.  Accept salvation now.  It is the gift of God, and not the world.  The world can give no gifts of any value to a mind that has received what God has given as its own.  God wills salvation be received today, and that the intricacies of your dreams no longer hide their nothingness from you.

Arc of Golden Light – Jesus Meditation.  From Glenda: you are immortal spirit which is light and love:   T-21.I.8. Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle.  And all the circle fills with light before your eyes.  The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all.  The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity.  Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.  This is the vision of the Son of God, whom you know well.  Here is the sight of him who knows his Father.  Here is the memory of what you are; a part of this, with all of it within, and joined to all as surely as all is joined in you.  Accept the vision that can show you this, and not the body.  You know the ancient song, and know it well.  Nothing will ever be as dear to you as is this ancient hymn of love the Son of God sings to his Father still.

Atonement:  From Glenda:  the seeming separation from God never occurred and has been but a dream or hallucination or illusion which you can awaken from by practicing true forgiveness.   The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.  What Jesus is talking about is NOT the forgiveness of the world where you identify the error a person did and pardon it.  Rather you overlook the error to think of the person as innocent and holy Son of God who never did anything.  You and your brother are safe in Heaven dreaming these false thoughts!     Let me be clear, in this world you are not to be psychologically or physically abused, you can still practice true forgiveness but set parameters and remove yourself from violent situations or people.   As you practice this type of forgiveness and practice the meditation in chap 18, you will be inspired with solutions to the mortal issues that seem to be going on.

Atonement: T-2.V.5.  “The sole responsibility of the miracle worker is to accept the Atonement for himself.”T-10.I.2.  “You are at home in God, dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of awakening to reality.  Is it your decision to do so?  You recognize from your own experience that what you see in dreams you think is real while you are asleep.  Yet the instant you waken you realize that everything that seemed to happen in the dream did not happen at all.  You do not think this strange, even though all the laws of what you awaken to were violated while you slept.  Is it not possible that you merely shifted from one dream to another, without really waking?”  T-6.II.10.  “The full awareness of the Atonement, then, is the recognition that the separation never occurred.  The ego cannot prevail against this because it is an explicit statement that the ego never occurred.”

Atonement:  From  INTRODUCTION for Clarification of Terms:   C-in.1. This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology.  It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception.  The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.  The structure of “individual consciousness” is essentially irrelevant because it is a concept representing the “original error” or the “original sin.”  To study the error itself does not lead to correction, if you are indeed to succeed in overlooking the error.  And it is just this process of overlooking at which the course aims.  T-6.11.8. God created His Sons by extending His Thought, and retaining the extensions of His Thought in His Mind.  All His Thoughts are thus perfectly united within themselves and with each other.  The Holy Spirit enables you to perceive this wholeness now.   God created you to create.  You cannot extend His Kingdom until you know of its wholeness.  Thoughts begin in the mind of the thinker, from which they reach outward.  This is as true of God’s Thinking as it is of yours.  Because your mind is split, you can perceive as well as think. Yet perception cannot escape the basic laws of mind.  You perceive from your mind and project your perceptions outward.  Although perception of any kind is unreal, you made it and the Holy Spirit can therefore use it well.   He can inspire perception and lead it toward God.  This convergence seems to be far in the future only because your mind is not in perfect alignment with the idea, and therefore does not want it now.  The Holy Spirit uses time, but does not believe in it.  Coming from God He uses everything for good, but He does not believe in what is not true. Since the Holy Spirit is in your mind, your mind can also believe only what is true.  The Holy Spirit can speak only for this, because He speaks for God.  He tells you to return your whole mind to God, because it has never left Him.  If it has never left Him, you need only perceive it as it is to be returned.  The full awareness of the Atonement, then, is the recognition that the separation never occurred.  The ego cannot prevail against this because it is an explicit statement that the ego never occurred…..  Only the Holy Spirit can resolve conflict, because only the Holy Spirit is conflict-free.  He perceives only what is true in your mind, and extends outward only to what is true in other minds. . The difference between the ego’s projection and the Holy Spirit’s extension is very simple.  The ego projects to exclude, and therefore to deceive.  The Holy Spirit extends by recognizing Himself in every mind, and thus perceives them as one.  Nothing conflicts in this perception, because what the Holy Spirit perceives is all the same.  Wherever He looks He sees Himself, and because He is united He offers the whole Kingdom always.  This is the one message God gave to Him and for which He must speak, because that is what He is. The peace of God lies in that message, and so the peace of God lies in you.  The great peace of the Kingdom shines in your mind forever, but it must shine outward to make you aware of it.   The Holy Spirit was given you with perfect impartiality, and only by recognizing Him impartially can you recognize Him at all.  The ego is legion, but the Holy Spirit is One.  No darkness abides anywhere in the Kingdom, but your part is only to allow no darkness to abide in your own mind.  This alignment with light is unlimited, because it is in alignment with the light of the world.  Each of us is the light of the world, and by joining our minds in this light we proclaim the Kingdom of God together and as one.

Body:  From Glenda: Are you a body or immortal spirit?  In truth you cannot be both.  To be both is a compromise and in God there is no compromise. God is formless, immortal, whole, forever, eternal life and can have no opposite.  The seeming body appears to shift and change, suffer and die. What changes and dies is not of God but manmade and are false ideas and images in the mind that seem to be projected out in front of you as an egoic trick to make you believe in them.  However ideas or images leave not there source.  Lesson 15: Because the thoughts I think I think appear as images, I do not see them as nothing.   W-192.5. The mind without the body cannot make mistakes.  It cannot think that it will die, nor be the prey of merciless attack.  Anger becomes impossible, and where is terror then?  What fears could still assail those who have lost the source of all attack, the core of anguish and the seat of fear?  Only forgiveness can relieve the mind of thinking that the body is its home.  Only forgiveness can restore the peace that God intended for His holy Son.  Only forgiveness can persuade the Son to look again upon his holiness.

Cause and Effect.  The Course says: This is a Course in Cause (the mind) not effect (the body).   T-21.VII.7. Forget not that the choice of sin or truth, helplessness or power, is the choice of whether to attack or heal.  For healing comes of power, and attack of helplessness.  Whom you attack you cannot want to heal.  And whom you would have healed must be the one you chose to be protected from attack.  And what is this decision but the choice whether to see him through the body’s eyes, or let him be revealed to you through vision?  How this decision leads to its effects is not your problem.  But what you want to see must be your choice. This is a course in cause and not effect.

T-28.II.7. The miracle establishes you dream a dream, and that its content is not true. This is a crucial step in dealing with illusions. No one is afraid of them when he perceives he made them up.  The fear was held in place because he did not see that he was author of the dream, and not a figure in the dream.  He gives himself the consequences that he dreams he gave his brother.  And it is but this the dream has put together and has offered him, to show him that his wishes have been done.  Thus does he fear his own attack, but sees it at another’s hands.  As victim, he is suffering from its effects, but not their cause.  He authored not his own attack, and he is innocent of what he caused. The miracle does nothing but to show him that he has done nothing.  What he fears is cause without the consequences that would make it cause. And so it never was.  T-28.II.8. The separation started with the dream the Father was deprived of His Effects, and powerless to keep them since He was no longer their Creator.  In the dream, the dreamer made himself.  But what he made has turned against him, taking on the role of its creator, as the dreamer had.  And as he hated his Creator, so the figures in the dream have hated him.  His body is their slave..  The miracle is the first step in giving back to cause the function of causation, not effect.  For this confusion has produced the dream, and while it lasts will wakening be feared.  Nor will the call to wakening be heard, because it seems to be the call to fear.

Choice: C-1.7.   In this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice; always between two choices or two voices” – Voice for God/Holy Spirit or illusionary ego (only the Holy Spirit is real). You are cause of the dream & not the effect. There is No dream without the body.  T-21.III.8. Those who would free their brothers from the body can have no fear.  They have renounced the means for sin by choosing to let all limitations be removed.  As they desire to look upon their brothers in holiness, the power of their belief and faith sees far beyond the body, supporting vision, not obstructing it.”  T-29.VII.9.  “Yet where are dreams but in a mind asleep?  And can a dream succeed in making real the picture it projects outside itself? Save time, my brother; learn what time is for.  And speed the end of idols in a world made sad and sick by seeing idols there….Salvation seeks to prove there is no death, and only life exists.

Christ:  6. What Is the Christ?   W-pII.6.1. Christ is God’s Son as He created Him.  He is the Self we share, uniting us with one another, and with God as well.  He is the Thought which still abides within the Mind that is His Source.  He has not left His holy home, nor lost the innocence in which He was created.  He abides unchanged forever in the Mind of God.   W-pII.6.2. Christ is the link that keeps you one with God, and guarantees that separation is no more than an illusion of despair, for hope forever will abide in Him.  Your mind is part of His, and His of yours.  He is the part in which God’s Answer lies; where all decisions are already made, and dreams are over.  He remains untouched by anything the body’s eyes perceive.  For though in Him His Father placed the means for your salvation, yet does He remain the Self Who, like His Father, knows no sin.   W-pII.6.3. Home of the Holy Spirit, and at home in God alone, does Christ remain at peace within the Heaven of your holy mind.  This is the only part of you that has reality in truth.  The rest is dreams.  Yet will these dreams be given unto Christ, to fade before His glory and reveal your holy Self, the Christ, to you at last.  W-pII.6.4. The Holy Spirit reaches from the Christ in you to all your dreams, and bids them come to Him, to be translated into truth.  He will exchange them for the final dream which God appointed as the end of dreams.  For when forgiveness rests upon the world and peace has come to every Son of God, what could there be to keep things separate, for what remains to see except Christ’s face?  W-pII.6.5. And how long will this holy face be seen, when it is but the symbol that the time for learning now is over, and the goal of the Atonement has been reached at last?  So therefore let us seek to find Christ’s face and look on nothing else.  As we behold His glory, will we know we have no need of learning or perception or of time, or anything except the holy Self, the Christ Whom God created as His Son.

Clouds – Sun – Rise Up:  From Glenda:  Clouds represent thoughts of separation in your mind.  The Sun represents God, Source, Light.  In rising up you switch your thinking from horizontal (stuff is outside in front of you) to vertical (Sun/Source is above your head in another dimension).  By doing Jesus’s meditation your mind in holy instants rises above the clouds to join with God light.    W-69.4. Very quietly now, with your eyes closed, try to let go of all the content that generally occupies your consciousness.  Think of your mind as a vast circle, surrounded by a layer of heavy, dark clouds. You can see only the clouds because you seem to be standing outside the circle and quite apart from it.  W-69.5. From where you stand, you can see no reason to believe there is a brilliant light hidden by the clouds.  The clouds seem to be the only reality. They seem to be all there is to see.  Therefore, you do not attempt to go through them and past them, which is the only way in which you would be really convinced of their lack of substance.  We will make this attempt today.  W-69.6. After you have thought about the importance of what you are trying to do for yourself and the world, try to settle down in perfect stillness, remembering only how much you want to reach the light in you today,–now!  Determine to go past the clouds.  Reach out and touch them in your mind.  Brush them aside with your hand; feel them resting on your cheeks and forehead and eyelids as you go through them.  Go on; clouds cannot stop you.  W-69.7. If you are doing the exercises properly, you will begin to feel a sense of being lifted up and carried ahead.  Your little effort and small determination call on the power of the universe to help you, and God Himself will raise you from darkness into light.  You are in accord with His Will.  You cannot fail because your will is His.  W-69.8. Have confidence in your Father today, and be certain that He has heard you and answered you.  You may not recognize His answer yet, but you can indeed be sure that it is given you and you will yet receive it.  Try, as you attempt to go through the clouds to the light, to hold this confidence in your mind.  Try to remember that you are at last joining your will to God’s.  Try to keep the thought clearly in mind that what you undertake with God must succeed.  Then let the power of God work in you and through you, that His Will and yours be done.

Communion (silence) not prayer is the natural state of those who know.  From Glenda if you practice Jesus’s meditation in Chap 18, you will learn to join with God light or commune with God or rest in God which is your natural state.    T-3.V.9.  Forgiveness is the healing of the perception of separation.  Correct perception of your brother is necessary, because minds have chosen to see themselves as separate.  Spirit knows God completely.  That is its miraculous power.  The fact that each one has this power completely is a condition entirely alien to the world’s thinking.  The world believes that if anyone has everything, there is nothing left.  But God’s miracles are as total as His Thoughts because they are His Thoughts.  T-3.V.10. As long as perception lasts prayer has a place.  Since perception rests on lack, those who perceive have not totally accepted the Atonement and given themselves over to truth.  Perception is based on a separated state, so that anyone who perceives at all needs healing.  Communion, not prayer, is the natural state of those who know.  God and His miracle are inseparable.  How beautiful indeed are the Thoughts of God who live in His light! Your worth is beyond perception because it is beyond doubt.  Do not perceive yourself in different lights.  Know yourself in the One Light where the miracle that is you is perfectly clear.

Consciousness:  INTRODUCTION  C-in.1. This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology.  It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception.  The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.  The structure of “individual consciousness” is essentially irrelevant because it is a concept representing the “original error” or the “original sin.”  To study the error itself does not lead to correction, if you are indeed to succeed in overlooking the error.  And it is just this process of overlooking at which the course aims.C-1.4. The other part of the mind is entirely illusory and makes only illusions.  Spirit retains the potential for creating, but its Will, which is God’s, seems to be imprisoned while the mind is not unified.  Creation continues unabated because that is the Will of God.  This Will is always unified and therefore has no meaning in this world.  It has no opposite and no degrees.

Consciousness: C-1.5. The mind can be right or wrong, depending on the voice to which it listens.  Right-mindedness listens to the Holy Spirit, forgives the world, and through Christ’s vision sees the real world in its place.  This is the final vision, the last perception, the condition in which God takes the final step Himself.  Here time and illusions end together.
C-1.6. Wrong-mindedness  listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real.  Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened.  Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is One with God’s.  C-1.7. In this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice; always between two choices or two voices.  Will is not involved in perception at any level, and has nothing to do with choice. Consciousness is the receptive mechanism, receiving messages from above or below; from the Holy Spirit or the ego.  Consciousness has levels and awareness can shift quite dramatically, but it cannot transcend the perceptual realm.  At its highest it becomes aware of the real world, and can be trained to do so increasingly. Yet the very fact that it has levels and can be trained demonstrates that it cannot reach knowledge.

Corrected Perception:  Healing as Corrected Perception   T-8.IX.1. I said before that the Holy Spirit is the Answer. He is the Answer to everything, because He knows what the answer to everything is.  The ego does not know what a real question is, although it asks an endless number.  Yet you can learn this as you learn to question the value of the ego, and thus establish your ability to evaluate its questions.  When the ego tempts you to sickness do not ask the Holy Spirit to heal the body, for this would merely be to accept the ego’s belief that the body is the proper aim of healing.  Ask, rather, that the Holy Spirit teach you the right perception of the body, for perception alone can be distorted.  Only perception can be sick, because only perception can be wrong.  T-8.IX.2. Wrong perception is the wish that things be as they are not.  The reality of everything is totally harmless, because total harmlessness is the condition of its reality.  It is also the condition of your awareness of its reality.  You do not have to seek reality.  It will seek you and find you when you meet its conditions.  Its conditions are part of what it is.  And this part only is up to you.  The rest is of itself.  You need do so little because your little part is so powerful that it will bring the whole to you.  Accept, then, your little part, and let the whole be yours.  T-8.IX.3. Wholeness heals because it is of the mind.

Create – Project – Certainty:    T-7.II.3. Outside the Kingdom, the law that prevails inside is adapted to “What you project you believe.”  This is its teaching form, because outside the Kingdom learning is essential.  This form implies that you will learn what you are from what you have projected onto others, and therefore believe they are.  In the Kingdom there is no teaching or learning, because there is no belief.  There is only certainty.  God and His Sons, in the surety of being, know that what you extend you are.  That form of the law is not adapted at all, being the law of creation.  God Himself created the law by creating by it.  And His Sons, who create like Him, follow it gladly, knowing that the increase of the Kingdom depends on it, just as their own creation did.

Death:  M-27.6. “And the last to be overcome will be death.”  Of course!  Without the idea of death there is no world.  All dreams will end with this one.  This is salvation’s final goal; the end of all illusions.  And in death are all illusions born.  What can be born of death and still have life?  But what is born of God and still can die?  The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless.  God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal.  Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?  M-27.7.  Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you.  What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion.  Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth.  Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form. Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.  And what is the end of death? Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever.  Nothing but this.  But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.  From Glenda:  Part of your mind is unconscious which means you are not aware of its thinking that it is there.  This unconscious mind is ego.  Each of us agreed to make ego but then fail asleep and forgot that we made up this false thought system.  But now something we made seems to be telling us what to think, do and feel and as a knee jerk reaction we agree and react and believe what this false thought system is telling us.  The purpose of studying the Course and completing its daily lessons is to undo these false thoughts so you can remember you are immortal spirit, one with all your Brothers and God!   Please be aware even though death is an illusion, we do not put our bodies in harms way!

Dream – Dreamer – IMPOSSIBLE TO CONVINCE THE DREAMER THAT HIS DREAM IS NOT TRUE. T-17.I.1:5 Yet what is done in dreams has not been really done.  It is impossible to convince the dreamer that this is so, for dreams are what they are because of their illusion of reality. Only in waking is the full release from them, . . . Correcting and convincing is not my function. T-27.II.10. Correction is not your function. T-14.IV.3: 5 Ask, rather, to learn how to forgive, . . .  On earth this is your only function, . . .

Excerpt from  The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other written by Gary Renard:  GARY: Jesus says in A Course in Miracles, “The miracle establishes you dream a dream, and that its content is not true.” But a lot of students seem to have a big problem going all the way with that. I mean, I’ll say that according to the Course the absolute truth is this: God Is. And they don’t seem to have much of a problem with that. But then if you tell them, nothing else is, you can see the resistance on a lot of their faces. They can get the truth of God, but they can’t get that absolutely nothing about the world and their lives is real.   ARTEN: Yes, the Course is the most radical teaching in history. That’s why most of the people who teach it don’t teach it. Even if they understand it, which is very rare, it’s not easy to explain to people that they don’t exist, and that they never have. Their life is a lie. The only place they really exist is in God, and the physical universe, including their own bodies and personal identities, not to mention those of everyone they’ve ever known, have never been true. And oh, by the way, their children are illusions.  GARY: Yeah, I try not to start off with that. Of course Jesus doesn’t leave you hanging; he doesn’t just describe the unreality of the ego, say the world is an illusion, and get lost. That teaching alone won’t do anything for you, except maybe make you depressed. What the Course does is completely replace the thought system of the ego with the thought system of the Holy Spirit.  I’ve been looking at spiritual thought systems for almost 40 years, ever since I got into est, and I’ve never seen anything else do that. Most of the teachings are good at describing the problem. A lot of experts and big shot psychologists are very adept at talking about the ego and all the problems of the world. And, at best, they’ll give you a method that will make you feel better. But that’s a temporary fix. It doesn’t undo the ego. It placates it by glossing things over. The Course, on the other hand, actually gives you a way out. It gives you a resolution to the entire problem of human existence. It takes you all the way home to Heaven, which you never really left, except in a false experience. So it replaces a false experience with the true experience. But actually undoing the ego takes time and work. A lot of people who go to a workshop expect to be enlightened that weekend.

The Dreamer of the Dream T-27.VII.1. “Suffering is an emphasis upon all that the world has done to injure you…..Like to a dream of punishment, in which the dreamer is unconscious of what brought on the attack against himself, he sees himself attacked unjustly and by something not himself. He is the victim of this “something else,” a thing outside himself, for which he has no reason to be held responsible. He must be innocent because he knows not what he does, but what is done to him….And he cannot escape because its source is seen outside himself.  Now you are being shown you can escape.”  T-27. VIII. “The “Hero” of the Dream. The body is the central figure in the dreaming of the world. There is no dream without it, nor does it exist without the dream in which it acts as if it were a person to be seen and be believed.  It takes the central place in every dream, which tells the story of how it was made by other bodies, born into the world outside the body, lives a little while and dies, to be united in the dust with other bodies dying like itself.  In the brief time allotted it to live, it seeks for other bodies as its friends and enemies.”

T-29.IV.1. Do you believe that truth can be but some illusions?  They are dreams because they are not true.  Their equal lack of truth becomes the basis for the miracle, which means that you have understood that dreams are dreams; and that escape depends, not on the dream, but only on awaking.  Could it be some dreams are kept, and others wakened from?  The choice is not between which dreams to keep, but only if you want to live in dreams or to awaken from them.  Thus it is the miracle does not select some dreams to leave untouched by its beneficence.  You cannot dream some dreams and wake from some, for you are either sleeping or awake.  And dreaming goes with only one of these.

 Ego: T-12.IV.2.  The search the ego undertakes is therefore bound to be defeated.  And since it also teaches that it is your identification, its guidance leads you to a journey which must end in perceived self-defeat. For the ego cannot love, and in its frantic search for love it is seeking what it is afraid to find. The search is inevitable because the ego is part of your mind, and because of its source the ego is not wholly split off, or it could not be believed at all.  For it is your mind that believes in it and gives existence to itYet it is also your mind that has the power to deny the ego’s existence, and you will surely do so when you realize exactly what the journey is on which the ego sets you.

 Ego: T-5.III.9. Perception derives meaning from relationships. Those you accept are the foundations of your beliefs.  The separation is merely another term for a split mind.  The ego is the symbol of separation, just as the Holy Spirit is the symbol of peace.  What you perceive in others you are strengthening in yourself.  You may let your mind misperceive, but the Holy Spirit lets your mind reinterpret its own misperceptions.
T-5.III.10. The Holy Spirit is the perfect Teacher.  He uses only what your mind already understands to teach you that you do not understand it.  The Holy Spirit can deal with a reluctant learner without going counter to his mind, because part of it is still for God.  Despite the ego’s attempts to conceal this part, it is still much stronger than the ego, although the ego does not recognize it.  The Holy Spirit recognizes it perfectly because it is His Own dwelling place; the place in the mind where He is at home.  You are at home there, too, because it is a place of peace, and peace is of God.  You who are part of God are not at home except in His peace. If peace is eternal, you are at home only in eternity.  T-5.III.11. The ego made the world as it perceives it, but the Holy Spirit, the reinterpreter of what the ego made, sees the world as a teaching device for bringing you home.  The Holy Spirit must perceive time, and reinterpret it into the timeless.  He must work through opposites, because He must work with and for a mind that is in opposition.  Correct and learn, and be open to learning.  You have not made truth, but truth can still set you free.  Look as the Holy Spirit looks, and understand as He understands.  His understanding looks back to God in remembrance of me.  He is in communion with God always, and He is part of you. He is your Guide to salvation, because He holds the remembrance of things past and to come, and brings them to the present.  He holds this gladness gently in your mind, asking only that you increase it in His Name by sharing it to increase His joy in you.

Ego – Guilt – Retaliation – Attack God: T-5.V.3. The ego is the part of the mind that believes in division.  How could part of God detach itself without believing it is attacking Him? We spoke before of the authority problem as based on the concept of usurping God’s power.  The ego believes that this is what you did because it believes that it is you.  If you identify with the ego, you must perceive yourself as guilty.  Whenever you respond to your ego you will experience guilt, and you will fear punishment. The ego is quite literally a fearful thought.  However ridiculous the idea of attacking God may be to the sane mind, never forget that the ego is not sane.  It represents a delusional system, and speaks for it.  Listening to the ego’s voice means that you believe it is possible to attack God, and that a part of Him has been torn away by you.  Fear of retaliation from without follows, because the severity of the guilt is so acute that it must be projected.  T-5.V.4. Whatever you accept into your mind has reality for you.  It is your acceptance of it that makes it real.  If you enthrone the ego in your mind, your allowing it to enter makes it your reality.  This is because the mind is capable of creating reality or making illusions.  I said before that you must learn to think with God. To think with Him is to think like Him.  This engenders joy, not guilt, because it is natural.  Guilt is a sure sign that your thinking is unnatural.  Unnatural thinking will always be attended with guilt, because it is the belief in sin.  The ego does not perceive sin as a lack of love, but as a positive act of assault.  This is necessary to the ego’s survival because, as soon as you regard sin as a lack, you will automatically attempt to remedy the situation.  And you will succeed.  The ego regards this as doom, but you must learn to regard it as freedom.

Extend – Project:  T-7.II.2. To heal, then, is to correct perception in your brother and yourself by sharing the Holy Spirit with him.  This places you both within the Kingdom, and restores its wholeness in your mind.  This reflects creation, because it unifies by increasing and integrates by extending.  What you project or extend is real for you.  This is an immutable law of the mind in this world as well as in the Kingdom.  However, the content is different in this world, because the thoughts it governs are very different from the Thoughts in the Kingdom.  Laws must be adapted to circumstances if they are to maintain order.  The outstanding characteristic of the laws of mind as they operate in this world is that by obeying them, and I assure you that you must obey them, you can arrive at diametrically opposed results.  This is because the laws have been adapted to the circumstances of this world, in which diametrically opposed outcomes seem possible because you can respond to two conflicting voices.

Face of Christ: FORGIVENESS–THE FACE OF CHRIST   C-3.1. Forgiveness is for God and toward God but not of Him.  It is impossible to think of anything He created that could need forgiveness. 3 Forgiveness, then, is an illusion, but because of its purpose, which is the Holy Spirit’s, it has one difference. 4 Unlike all other illusions it leads away from error and not towards it.  C-3.2. Forgiveness might be called a kind of happy fiction; a way in which the unknowing can bridge the gap between their perception and the truth.  They cannot go directly from perception to knowledge because they do not think it is their will to do so.  This makes God appear to be an enemy instead of what He really is.  And it is just this insane perception that makes them unwilling merely to rise up and to return to Him in peace.  C-3.3. And so they need an illusion of help because they are helpless; a Thought of peace because they are in conflict.  God knows what His Son needs before he asks.  He is not at all concerned with form, but having given the content it is His Will that it be understood.  And that suffices.  The form adapts itself to need; the content is unchanging, as eternal as its Creator.  C-3.4. The face of Christ  has to be seen before the memory of God can return.  The reason is obvious.  Seeing the face of Christ involves perception.  No one can look on knowledge.  But the face of Christ is the great symbol of forgiveness.  It is salvation.  It is the symbol of the real world. Whoever looks on this no longer sees the worldHe is as near to Heaven as is possible outside the gate.  Yet from this gate it is no more than just a step inside.  It is the final step. And this we leave to God.   C-3.5. Forgiveness is a symbol, too, but as the symbol of His Will alone it cannot be divided. And so the unity that it reflects becomes His Will.  It is the only thing still in the world in part, and yet the bridge to Heaven.  C-3.6. God’s Will is all there is. We can but go from nothingness to everything; from hell to Heaven.  Is this a journey?  No, not in truth, for truth goes nowhere.  But illusions shift from place to place; from time to time.  The final step is also but a shift.  As a perception it is part unreal.  And yet this part will vanish.  What remains is peace eternal and the Will of God.  C-3.7. There are no wishes now for wishes change.  Even the wished-for can become unwelcome.  That must be so because the ego cannot be at peace.  But Will is constant, as the gift of God.  And what He gives is always like Himself.  This is the purpose of the face of Christ.  It is the gift of God to save His Son.  But look on this and you have been forgiven.  C-3.8. How lovely does the world become in just that single instant when you see the truth about yourself reflected there.  Now you are sinless and behold your sinlessness.  Now you are holy and perceive it so.  And now the mind returns to its Creator; the joining of the Father and the Son, the Unity of unities that stands behind all joining but beyond them all.  God is not seen but only understood.  His Son is not attacked but recognized.

Fear:  From Glenda: by practicing true forgiveness you realize because God is perfect Love then he could not have made fear, sickness, death, etc.  So who made up fear?  Only in a dream could the Son of God made up such insanity to think there could be an opposite to God’s love.   Introduction ACIM   The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite.  T-in.2. This course can therefore be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.   T-1.I.26. Miracles represent freedom from fear.  “Atoning” means “undoing.”  The undoing of fear is an essential part of the Atonement value of miracles.  T-1.I.37.  A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking by me.  It acts as a catalyst, breaking up erroneous perception and reorganizing it properly.  This places you under the Atonement principle, where perception is healed.  Until this has occurred, knowledge of the Divine Order is impossible.  T-1.I.38. The Holy Spirit is the mechanism of miracles. He recognizes both God’s creations and your illusions.  He separates the true from the false by His ability to perceive totally rather than selectively.  T-1.I.39. The miracle dissolves error because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal.  This is the same as saying that by perceiving light, darkness automatically disappears.  T-1.I.40. The miracle acknowledges everyone as your brother and mine.  It is a way of perceiving the universal mark of God.  T-1.I.41. Wholeness is the perceptual content of miracles.  They thus correct, or atone for, the faulty perception of lack.

 Forgiveness:   T-27.II.10. Correction is not your function.  T-14.IV.3: 5 Ask, rather, to learn how to forgive, . . .  On earth this is your only function….

Father:  From Glenda: Who is your father?  Who created you?  Mortal Man or God? Are you a body born from mankind or an immortal spirit created by God?  The answer to this is your freedom from the dream or hallucination or madness.  Freedom is achieved by practicing ACIM true forgiveness on whatever shows up in front of your face. Look beyond or past the body to the immortal spirit that each person really is.  What you think your brother is, is what you will think about yourself.

Forgiveness:  Here is the Answer – Forgiveness.   From Glenda– no where in the Course have I found Jesus use an exclamation mark three times in one section!   He does this in this work book lesson trying to get us to understand that forgiveness is the answer to our way out of the dream of separation from God.  T-14.IV.3: 5 Ask, rather, to learn how to forgive, . . .  On earth this is your only function, . . .

Forgiveness:  W-122 Forgiveness offers everything I want.  What could you want forgiveness cannot give?  Do you want peace?  Forgiveness offers it.  Do you want happiness, a quiet mind, a certainty of purpose, and a sense of worth and beauty that transcends the world?  Do you want care and safety, and the warmth of sure protection always?  Do you want a quietness that cannot be disturbed, a gentleness that never can be hurt, a deep abiding comfort, and a rest so perfect it can never be upset?  All this forgiveness offers you, and more. It sparkles on your eyes as you awake, and gives you joy with which to meet the day. It soothes your forehead while you sleep, and rests upon your eyelids so you see no dreams of fear and evil, malice and attack.  And when you wake again, it offers you another day of happiness and peace.  All this forgiveness offers you, and more.    Forgiveness lets the veil be lifted up that hides the face of Christ from those who look with unforgiving eyes upon the world. It lets you recognize the Son of God, and clears your memory of all dead thoughts so that remembrance of your Father can arise across the threshold of your mind.  What would you want forgiveness cannot give?  What gifts but these are worthy to be sought?   What fancied value, trivial effect or transient promise, never to be kept, can hold more hope than what forgiveness brings?
Why would you seek an answer other than the answer that will answer everything?  Here is the perfect answer, given to imperfect questions, meaningless requests, halfhearted willingness to hear, and less than halfway diligence and partial trust.  Here is the answer!  Seek for it no more. You will not find another one instead.   God’s plan for your salvation cannot change, nor can it fail.  Be thankful it remains exactly as He planned it.  Changelessly it stands before you like an open door, with warmth and welcome calling from beyond the doorway, bidding you to enter in and make yourself at home, where you belong.    Here is the answer!  Would you stand outside while all of Heaven waits for you within?  Forgive and be forgiven. 4 As you give you will receive.  There is no plan but this for the salvation of the Son of God.  Let us today rejoice that this is so, for here we have an answer, clear and plain, beyond deceit in its simplicity.  All the complexities the world has spun of fragile cobwebs disappear before the power and the majesty of this extremely simple statement of the truth.   Here is the answer!  Do not turn away in aimless wandering again.  Accept salvation now.  It is the gift of God, and not the world.  The world can give no gifts of any value to a mind that has received what God has given as its own.  God wills salvation be received today, and that the intricacies of your dreams no longer hide their nothingness from you.

Forgiveness: W-192.4. Forgiveness gently looks upon all things unknown in Heaven, sees them disappear, and leaves the world a clean and unmarked slate on which the Word of God can now replace the senseless symbols written there before.  Forgiveness is the means by which the fear of death is overcome, because it holds no fierce attraction now and guilt is gone.  Forgiveness lets the body be perceived as what it is; a simple teaching aid, to be laid by when learning is complete, but hardly changing him who learns at all.  W-192.5. The mind without the body cannot make mistakes.  It cannot think that it will die, nor be the prey of merciless attack.  Anger becomes impossible, and where is terror then?  What fears could still assail those who have lost the source of all attack, the core of anguish and the seat of fear?  Only forgiveness can relieve the mind of thinking that the body is its home. Only forgiveness can restore the peace that God intended for His holy Son.  Only forgiveness can persuade the Son to look again upon his holiness.

Feelings:    From Glenda:  How you know which voice you are listening to is how you feel.  If you feel peaceful and loving you are listening to Holy Spirit, the Voice for God.  If you feel irritated, upset, angry, sad, depressed, etc.  you are listening to the false ego.  Your remaining freedom is freedom of choice.  If you are not feeling loving, considerate, kind, etc, then choose again and ask Holy Spirit to help you see things differently.

  1. This Need Not Be   T-4.IV.1. If you cannot hear the Voice for God, it is because you do not choose to listen.  That you do listen to the voice of your ego is demonstrated by your attitudes, your feelings and your behavior. Yet this is what you want.  This is what you are fighting to keep, and what you are vigilant to save. Your mind is filled with schemes to save the face of your ego, and you do not seek the face of Christ.  The glass in which the ego seeks to see its face is dark indeed. 7 How can it maintain the trick of its existence except with mirrors?  But where you look to find yourself is up to you.  T-4.IV.2. I have said that you cannot change your mind by changing your behavior, but I have also said, and many times, that you can change your mind. When your mood tells you that you have chosen wrongly, and this is so whenever you are not joyous, then know this need not be.  In every case you have thought wrongly about some brother God created, and are perceiving images your ego makes in a darkened glass.  Think honestly what you have thought that God would not have thought, and what you have not thought that God would have you think.  Search sincerely for what you have done and left undone accordingly, and then change your mind to think with God’s.  This may seem hard to do, but it is much easier than trying to think against it.  Your mind is one with God’s.  Denying this and thinking otherwise has held your ego together, but has literally split your mind.  As a loving brother I am deeply concerned with your mind, and urge you to follow my example as you look at yourself and at your brother, and see in both the glorious creations of a glorious Father.  T-4.IV.3. When you are sad, know this need not be.   Depression comes from a sense of being deprived of something you want and do not have.  Remember that you are deprived of nothing except by your own decisions, and then decide otherwise.  T-4.IV.4. When you are anxious, realize that anxiety comes from the capriciousness of the ego, and know this need not be.   You can be as vigilant against the ego’s dictates as for them.  T-4.IV.5. When you feel guilty, remember that the ego has indeed violated the laws of God, but you  have not.  Leave the “sins” of the ego to me.  That is what Atonement is for. 4 But until you change your mind about those whom your ego has hurt, the Atonement cannot release you.  While you feel guilty your ego is in command, because only the ego can experience guilt.   This need not be.  T-4.IV.6. Watch your mind for the temptations of the ego, and do not be deceived by it.  It offers you nothing.  When you have given up this voluntary dis-spiriting, you will see how your mind can focus and rise above fatigue and heal.  Yet you are not sufficiently vigilant against the demands of the ego to disengage yourself.  This need not be. 

God:  M-27.6. God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal.  Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?  Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part. Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you.  What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion.  Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth.  Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form.  Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.  And what is the end of death?  Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever.  Nothing but this.  But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.

Great Ray:  From Glenda to release your arc of light you must learn to recognize each person as a Holy Son of God and see the Face of Christ on each person then you can know the Great Ray.   T-18.III.8. 6 You have found your brother, and you will light each other’s way.  And from this light will the Great Rays extend back into darkness and forward unto God, to shine away the past and so make room for His eternal Presence, in which everything is radiant in the light.

    1. T-10.IV.8. “In many only the spark remains, for the Great Rays are obscured.  Yet God has kept the spark alive so that the Rays can never be completely forgotten.  If you but see the little spark you will learn of the greater light, for the Rays are there unseen.  Perceiving the spark will heal, but knowing the light will create.  Yet in the returning the little light must be acknowledged first, for the separation was a descent from magnitude to littleness.  But the spark is still as pure as the Great Light, because it is the remaining call of creation.  Put all your faith in it, and God Himself will answer you.”
    2.  “You make by projection, but God creates by extension.  The cornerstone of God’s creation is you, for His thought system is light.  Remember the Rays that are there unseen.  The more you approach the center of His thought system, the clearer the light becomes.”
    3. T-15.IX.3.  “In the holy instant, where the Great Rays replace the body in awareness, the recognition of relationships without limits is given you.  But in order to see this, it is necessary to give up every use the ego has for the body, and to accept the fact that the ego has no purpose you would share with it.”  
    4. T-16.VI.6.  “Across the bridge it is so different!  For a time, the body is still seen, but not exclusively, as it is seen here. The little spark that holds the Great Rays within it is also visible, and this spark cannot be limited long to littleness.  Once you have crossed the bridge, the value of the body is so diminished in your sight that you will see no need at all to magnify it.  For you will realize that the only value the body has is to enable you to bring your brothers to the bridge with you, and to be released together there.”
    5. T-18.III.8.  “Not one light in Heaven but goes with you.  Not one Ray that shines forever in the Mind of God but shines on you. Heaven is joined with you in your advance to Heaven.  When such great lights have joined with you to give the little spark of your desire the power of God Himself, can you remain in darkness?   You and your brother are coming home together, after a long and meaningless journey that you undertook apart, and that led nowhere.  You have found your brother, and you will light each other’s way.  And from this light will the Great Rays extend back into darkness and forward unto God, to shine away the past and so make room for His eternal Presence, in which everything is radiant in the light.”

Guilt is in your own mind.  W-70.3. It may not, however, be clear to you why the recognition that guilt is in your own mind entails the realization that salvation is there as well.  God would not have put the remedy for the sickness where it cannot help.  That is the way your mind has worked, but hardly His.  He wants you to be healed, so He has kept the Source of healing where the need for healing lies.

Guiltless: M-27.6. God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal.  Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?  M-27.7.  Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part.  Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you.  What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion.  Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth.  Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form.  Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.  And what is the end of death? 8 Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever.  Nothing but this.  But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.

Healing to know the Kingdom: II. The Law of the Kingdom  T-7.II.1. To heal is the only kind of thinking in this world that resembles the Thought of God, and because of the elements they share, can transfer easily to it.  When a brother perceives himself as sick, he is perceiving himself as not whole, and therefore in need.  If you, too, see him this way, you are seeing him as if he were absent from the Kingdom or separated from it, thus making the Kingdom itself obscure to both of you.  Sickness and separation are not of God, but the Kingdom is.  If you obscure the Kingdom, you are perceiving what is not of God.  T-7.II.2. To heal, then, is to correct perception in your brother and yourself by sharing the Holy Spirit with him.  This places you both within the Kingdom, and restores its wholeness in your mind.  This reflects creation, because it unifies by increasing and integrates by extending.  What you project or extend is real for you.  This is an immutable law of the mind in this world as well as in the Kingdom.  However, the content is different in this world, because the thoughts it governs are very different from the Thoughts in the Kingdom.  Laws must be adapted to circumstances if they are to maintain order.  The outstanding characteristic of the laws of mind as they operate in this world is that by obeying them, and I assure you that you must obey them, you can arrive at diametrically opposed results.  This is because the laws have been adapted to the circumstances of this world, in which diametrically opposed outcomes seem possible because you can respond to two conflicting voices.

Hallucination: T-20.VIII.7. Judgment is but a toy, a whim, the senseless means to play the idle game of death in your imagination.  But vision sets all things right, bringing them gently within the kindly sway of Heaven’s laws.  What if you recognized this world is an hallucination?  What if you really understood you made it up?  What if you realized that those who seem to walk about in it, to sin and die, attack and murder and destroy themselves, are wholly unreal? Could you have faith in what you see, if you accepted this?  And would you see it?

Heaven:  VI. Beyond the Body  T-18.VI.1. There is nothing outside you.  That is what you must ultimately learn, for it is the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is restored to you.  For God created only this, and He did not depart from it nor leave it separate from Himself.  The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him.  Heaven is not a place nor a condition.  It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.

Holy Instant: Practicing the Holy Instant T-15.IV.1.“This course is not beyond immediate learning, unless you believe that what God wills takes time.  And this means only that you would rather delay the recognition that His Will is so.  The holy instant is this instant and every instant.  The one you want it to be it is.  The one you would not have it be is lost to you.  You must decide when it is.  Delay it not.  For beyond the past and future, where you will not find it, it stands in shimmering readiness for your acceptance.  Yet you cannot bring it into glad awareness while you do not want it, for it holds the whole release from littleness.  The necessary condition for the holy instant does not require that you have no thoughts that are not pure. But it does require that you have none that you would keep.  Innocence is not of your making.  It is given you the instant you would have it.  Atonement would not be if there were no need for it.  You will not be able to accept perfect communication as long as you would hide it from yourself.  For what you would hide is hidden from you.  In your practice, then, try only to be vigilant against deception, and seek not to protect the thoughts you would keep to yourself.  Let the Holy Spirit’s purity shine them away, and bring all your awareness to the readiness for purity He offers you. Thus will He make you ready to acknowledge that you are host to God, and hostage to no one and to nothing.”

Holy Spirit:  Voice for God.  Real World. From Glenda – by practicing true forgiveness your thinking changes and you start to think like Holy Spirit who looks out and sees only Himself…Holiness, Innocence.    Your sight changes from seeing through the bodies eyes to Christ Vision or Spiritual Sight where you think like Holy Spirit thinks.  You look out from above the battle ground and see only Holiness.  You still see the dream figures, but you know they are false images that you made up.   To release your Christ Light and see this holiness and innocence, you must realize that your brothers are your savior and see each person as a Holy Son of God and see the face of Christ on each person.   C-3.4. The face of Christ  has to be seen before the memory of God can return.  The reason is obvious.  Seeing the face of Christ involves perception.  No one can look on knowledge.  But the face of Christ is the great symbol of forgiveness.  It is salvation.  It is the symbol of the real world. Whoever looks on this no longer sees the worldHe is as near to Heaven as is possible outside the gate.  Yet from this gate it is no more than just a step inside.

Ideas leave not their Source.  Lesson W-132.10.  What is the lesson for today except another way of saying that to know your Self is the salvation of the world?  To free the world from every kind of pain is but to change your mind about yourself.  There is no world apart from your ideas because ideas leave not their source, and you maintain the world within your mind in thought.   W-132.13.  There is no world because it is a thought apart from God, and made to separate the Father and the Son, and break away a part of God Himself and thus destroy His Wholeness.  Can a world which comes from this idea be real?  Can it be anywhere?  Deny illusions, but accept the truth.  Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world.  Release your mind, and you will look upon a world released…..  I who remain as God created me would loose the world from all I thought it was. For I am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.



Images: LESSON 15.  My thoughts are images that I have made.  W-15.1. It is because the thoughts you think you think appear as images that you do not recognize them as nothing.  You think you think them, and so you think you see them.  This is how your “seeing” was made.  This is the function you have given your body’s eyes.  It is not seeing. It is image making.  It takes the place of seeing, replacing vision with illusions.   This introductory idea to the process of image making that you call seeing will not have much meaning for you.  You will begin to understand it when you have seen little edges of light around the same familiar objects which you see now.  That is the beginning of real vision.  You can be certain that real vision will come quickly when this has occurred.   W-15.3. As we go along, you may have many “light episodes.”  They may take many different forms, some of them quite unexpected.  Do not be afraid of them.  They are signs that you are opening your eyes at last.  They will not persist, because they merely symbolize true perception, and they are not related to knowledge.  These exercises will not reveal knowledge to you.  But they will prepare the way to it.    W-15.4. In practicing the idea for today, repeat it first to yourself, and then apply it to whatever you see around you, using its name and letting your eyes rest on it as you say: This ___ is an image that I have made.  That ___ is an image that I have made.  It is not necessary to include a large number of specific subjects for the application of today’s idea.  It is necessary, however, to continue to look at each subject while you repeat the idea to yourself.  The idea should be repeated quite slowly each time.  W-15.5. Although you will obviously not be able to apply the idea to very many things during the minute or so of practice that is recommended, try to make the selection as random as possible.  Less than a minute will do for the practice periods, if you begin to feel uneasy.  Do not have more than three application periods for today’s idea unless you feel completely comfortable with it, and do not exceed four.  However, the idea can be applied as needed throughout the day.

Insane wishes come insane world: LESSON 325. “All things I think I see reflect ideas. This is salvation’s keynote: What I see reflects a process in my mind, which starts with my idea of what I want.  From there, the mind makes up an image of the thing the mind desires, judges valuable, and therefore seeks to find.  These images are then projected outward, looked upon, esteemed as real and guarded as one’s own.  From insane wishes comes an insane world…..from forgiving thoughts a gentle world comes forth, with mercy for the holy Son of God, to offer him a kindly home where he can rest a while before he journeys on, and help his brothers walk ahead with him, and find the way to Heaven and to God. Our Father, Your ideas reflect the truth, and mine apart from Yours but make up dreams.  Let me behold what only Yours reflect, for Yours and Yours alone establish truth.”

Judges: Mind Judges what the eyes behold: M-8.3 “Where do all these differences come from? Certainly they seem to be in the world outside. Yet it is surely the mind that judges what the eyes behold.  It is the mind that interprets the eyes’ messages and gives them “meaning.” And this meaning does not exist in the world outside at all. What is seen as “reality” is simply what the mind prefers. Its hierarchy of values is projected outward, and it sends the body’s eyes to find it. The body’s eyes will never see except through differences. Yet it is not the messages they bring on which perception rests. Only the mind evaluates their messages, and so only the mind is responsible for seeing. It alone decides whether what is seen is real or illusory, desirable or undesirable, pleasurable or painful.  It is in the sorting out and categorizing activities of the mind that errors in perception enter.  And it is here correction must be made.”

Light – Great Ray (after you practice true forgiveness your arc of light (Christ Light) is released to know the Great Ray): T-18.III.8  You have found your brother, and you will light each other’s way.  And from this light will the Great Rays extend back into darkness and forward unto God, to shine away the past and so make room for His eternal Presence, in which everything is radiant in the light.  T-21.I.8. Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle.  And all the circle fills with light before your eyes.  The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all.  The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity.  Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.  This is the vision of the Son of God, whom you know well.  Here is the sight of him who knows his Father.  Here is the memory of what you are; a part of this, with all of it within, and joined to all as surely as all is joined in you.  Accept the vision that can show you this, and not the body.  You know the ancient song, and know it well.  Nothing will ever be as dear to you as is this ancient hymn of love the Son of God sings to his Father still.

Love: T-12.III.5.  Salvation is for the mind, and it is attained through peace.  This is the only thing that can be saved and the only way to save it.  Any response other than love arises from a confusion about the “what” and the “how” of salvation, and this is the only answer.  Never lose sight of this, and never allow yourself to believe, even for an instant, that there is another answer.  For you will surely place yourself among the poor, who do not understand that they dwell in abundance and that salvation is come.

Love: LESSON 229. Love, which created me, is what I am.   I seek my own Identity, and find It in these words: “Love, which created me, is what I am.”  Now need I seek no more.  Love has prevailed.  So still It waited for my coming home, that I will turn away no longer from the holy face of Christ.  And what I look upon attests the truth of the Identity I sought to lose, but which my Father has kept safe for me.  Father, my thanks to You for what I am; for keeping my Identity untouched and sinless, in the midst of all the thoughts of sin my foolish mind made up.  And thanks to You for saving me from them.  Amen.

Love – Self-love, Self-hate, Scarity – deprivation:  T12.III.6 To identify with the ego is to attack yourself and make yourself poor.  That is why everyone who identifies with the ego feels deprived.  What he experiences then is depression or anger, because what he did was to exchange Self-love for self-hate, making him afraid of himself.  He does not realize this.  Even if he is fully aware of anxiety he does not perceive its source as his own ego identification, and he always tries to handle it by making some sort of insane “arrangement” with the world.  He always perceives this world as outside himself, for this is crucial to his adjustment. He does not realize that he makes this world, for there is no world outside of him.

Mechanism for decision: The Mind is the mechanism for decision:  T-12.III.9. The world you perceive is a world of separation.  Perhaps you are willing to accept even death to deny your Father. Yet He would not have it so, and so it is not so.  You still cannot will against Him, and that is why you have no control over the world you made.  It is not a world of will because it is governed by the desire to be unlike God, and this desire is not will.  The world you made is therefore totally chaotic, governed by arbitrary and senseless “laws,” and without meaning of any kind. For it is made out of what you do not want, projected from your mind because you are afraid of it.  Yet this world is only in the mind of its maker, along with his real salvation.  Do not believe it is outside of yourself, for only by recognizing where it is will you gain control over it.  For you do have control over your mind, since the mind is the mechanism of decision.

Mentally reviewing what has already gone by  From Glenda;  What is a better definition of a movie?  As you practice true forgiveness you will realize that the things you think you are seeing outside of you, you are mentally looking at with your mind.  That the things that seem to be happening now, already occurred in a nanosecond and you just keep watching the movie, thinking it real.  You can learn to watch the movie from above the battle ground from the Great Ray and realize your body is in the movie too!    You can compare your mental viewing to having a Virtual Reality Headset on where you are looking at the images in the headset and they look real, like you are scuba diving, snow skiing, etc.   Once you take the head set off, you realize was all made up.  As you unlearn the false teachings of the ego, you will wake up from the dream or movie to remember you and your brothers never left Heaven.W-158.4. Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic.  Yet there is a plan behind appearances that does not change.  The script is written.  When experience will come to end your doubting has been set.  For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by.

Mind:  you are a mind, in Mind and purely mind –    Lesson 158. Today I learn to give as I receive.  W-158.1. What has been given you?  The knowledge that you are a mind, in Mind and purely mind, sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because you were created out of love.  Nor have you left your Source, remaining as you were created. This was given you as knowledge which you cannot lose.  It was given as well to every living thing, for by that knowledge only does it live.   W-158.2. You have received all this.  No one who walks the world but has received it.  It is not this knowledge which you give, for that is what creation gave. All this cannot be learned.  What, then, are you to learn to give today?  Our lesson yesterday evoked a theme found early in the text.  Experience cannot be shared directly, in the way that vision can.  The revelation that the Father and the Son are one will come in time to every mind.  Yet is that time determined by the mind itself, not taught.   W-158.3. The time is set already.  It appears to be quite arbitrary.  Yet there is no step along the road that anyone takes but by chance.  It has already been taken by him, although he has not yet embarked on it.  For time but seems to go in one direction.  We but undertake a journey that is over.  Yet it seems to have a future still unknown to us.    W-158.4. Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic.  Yet there is a plan behind appearances that does not change.  The script is written.  When experience will come to end your doubting has been set.  For we but see the journey from the point at which it ended, looking back on it, imagining we make it once again; reviewing mentally what has gone by.  T-12.III.5. Salvation is for the mind, and it is attained through peace. This is the only thing that can be saved and the only way to save it. 3 Any response other than love arises from a confusion about the “what” and the “how” of salvation, and this is the only answer. 4 Never lose sight of this, and never allow yourself to believe, even for an instant, that there is another answer. 5 For you will surely place yourself among the poor, who do not understand that they dwell in abundance and that salvation is come.  T-12.III.7. If only the loving thoughts of God’s Son are the world’s reality, the real world must be in his mindHis insane thoughts, too, must be in his mind, but an internal conflict of this magnitude he cannot tolerate.  A split mind is endangered, and the recognition that it encompasses completely opposed thoughts within itself is intolerable.  Therefore the mind projects the split, not the reality.  Everything you perceive as the outside world is merely your attempt to maintain your ego identification, for everyone believes that identification is salvation.  Yet consider what has happened, for thoughts do have consequences to the thinker.  You have become at odds with the world as you perceive it, because you think it is antagonistic to you.  This is a necessary consequence of what you have done.  You have projected outward what is antagonistic to what is inward, and therefore you would have to perceive it this way. That is why you must realize that your hatred is in your mind and not outside it before you can get rid of it; and why you must get rid of it before you can perceive the world as it really is.  T-12.III.8.  I said before that God so loved the world that He gave it to His only begotten Son.  God does love the real world, and those who perceive its reality cannot see the world of death.  For death is not of the real world, in which everything reflects the eternal.  God gave you the real world in exchange for the one you made out of your split mind, and which is the symbol of death.  For if you could really separate yourself from the Mind of God you would die.  T-12.III.9. The world you perceive is a world of separation.  Perhaps you are willing to accept even death to deny your Father. Yet He would not have it so, and so it is not so.  You still cannot will against Him, and that is why you have no control over the world you made.  It is not a world of will because it is governed by the desire to be unlike God, and this desire is not will.  The world you made is therefore totally chaotic, governed by arbitrary and senseless “laws,” and without meaning of any kind. For it is made out of what you do not want, projected from your mind because you are afraid of it.  Yet this world is only in the mind of its maker, along with his real salvation.  Do not believe it is outside of yourself, for only by recognizing where it is will you gain control over it.  For you do have control over your mind, since the mind is the mechanism of decision.  T-12.III.10.  If you will recognize that all the attack you perceive is in your own mind and nowhere else, you will at last have placed its source, and where it begins it must end.  For in this same place also lies salvation.  The altar of God where Christ abideth is there.  You have defiled the altar, but not the world.  Yet Christ has placed the Atonement on the altar for you.  Bring your perceptions of the world to this altar, for it is the altar to truth.  There you will see your vision changed, and there you will learn to see truly.  From this place, where God and His Son dwell in peace and where you are welcome, you will look out in peace and behold the world truly.  Yet to find the place, you must relinquish your investment in the world as you project it, allowing the Holy Spirit to extend the real world to you from the altar of God.

Mind: – Spirit 1. MIND–SPIRIT   C-1.1. The term mind is used to represent the activating agent of spirit, supplying its creative energy. When the term is capitalized it refers to God or Christ (ie, the Mind of God or the Mind of Christ).  Spirit is the Thought of God which He created like Himself.  The unified spirit is God’s one Son, or Christ.  C-1.2. In this world, because the mind is split, the Sons of God appear to be separate. Nor do their minds seem to be joined.  In this illusory state, the concept of an “individual mind” seems to be meaningful.  It is therefore described in the course [as if] it has two parts; spirit and ego.  C-1.3. Spirit is the part that is still in contact with God through the Holy Spirit, Who abides in this part but sees the other part as well.  The term “soul” is not used except in direct biblical quotations because of its highly controversial nature.  It would, however, be an equivalent of “spirit,” with the understanding that, being of God, it is eternal and was never born.  C-1.4. The other part of the mind is entirely illusory and makes only illusions.  Spirit retains the potential for creating, but its Will, which is God’s, seems to be imprisoned while the mind is not unified.  Creation continues unabated because that is the Will of God.  This Will is always unified and therefore has no meaning in this world.  It has no opposite and no degrees.  C-1.5. The mind can be right or wrong, depending on the voice to which it listens.  Right-mindedness listens to the Holy Spirit, forgives the world, and through Christ’s vision sees the real world in its place.  This is the final vision, the last perception, the condition in which God takes the final step Himself.  Here time and illusions end together.
C-1.6. Wrong-mindedness  listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real.  Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened.  Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is One with God’s.  C-1.7. In this world the only remaining freedom is the freedom of choice; always between two choices or two voices.  Will is not involved in perception at any level, and has nothing to do with choice. Consciousness is the receptive mechanism, receiving messages from above or below; from the Holy Spirit or the ego.  Consciousness has levels and awareness can shift quite dramatically, but it cannot transcend the perceptual realm.  At its highest it becomes aware of the real world, and can be trained to do so increasingly. Yet the very fact that it has levels and can be trained demonstrates that it cannot reach knowledge.

Miracle: T-28.II.7. The miracle establishes you dream a dream, and that its content is not true. This is a crucial step in dealing with illusions. No one is afraid of them when he perceives he made them up.  The fear was held in place because he did not see that he was author of the dream, and not a figure in the dream.  T-1.I.25. Miracles are part of an interlocking chain of forgiveness which, when completed, is the Atonement.   Atonement works all the time and in all the dimensions of time. T-1.I.26. Miracles represent freedom from fear.  “Atoning” means “undoing.”  The undoing of fear is an essential part of the Atonement value of miracles.  T-1.I.37.  A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking by me.  It acts as a catalyst, breaking up erroneous perception and reorganizing it properly.  This places you under the Atonement principle, where perception is healed.  Until this has occurred, knowledge of the Divine Order is impossible.  T-1.I.38. The Holy Spirit is the mechanism of miracles. He recognizes both God’s creations and your illusions.  He separates the true from the false by His ability to perceive totally rather than selectively.  T-1.I.39. The miracle dissolves error because the Holy Spirit identifies error as false or unreal.  This is the same as saying that by perceiving light, darkness automatically disappears.  T-1.I.40. The miracle acknowledges everyone as your brother and mine.  It is a way of perceiving the universal mark of God.  T-1.I.41. Wholeness is the perceptual content of miracles.  They thus correct, or atone for, the faulty perception of lack.

Nothing out there: VI. Beyond the Body  T-18.VI.1. There is nothing outside you.  That is what you must ultimately learn, for it is the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is restored to you.  For God created only this, and He did not depart from it nor leave it separate from Himself.  The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him.  Heaven is not a place nor a condition.  It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.

Overlooking:   From  INTRODUCTION for Clarification of Terms:   C-in.1. This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology.  It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception.  The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.  The structure of “individual consciousness” is essentially irrelevant because it is a concept representing the “original error” or the “original sin.”  To study the error itself does not lead to correction, if you are indeed to succeed in overlooking the error.  And it is just this process of overlooking at which the course aims.

Pardon: read Chap 30. VI. Justification for Forgiveness.   From Renard’s Immortal Reality pg 101: If you made the whole thing up, then who is there to be angry at.  In ACIM chap 30.  VI.  From Glenda: Pardon is not the pardon of the world where pardon is given for something that happened.  Pardon in ACIM is pardoning what never happened – there is nobody out there.  T-6.11.8. God created His Sons by extending His Thought, and retaining the extensions of His Thought in His Mind.  All His Thoughts are thus perfectly united within themselves and with each other.  The Holy Spirit enables you to perceive this wholeness now.   God created you to create.  You cannot extend His Kingdom until you know of its wholeness.  Thoughts begin in the mind of the thinker, from which they reach outward.  This is as true of God’s Thinking as it is of yours.  Because your mind is split, you can perceive as well as think. Yet perception cannot escape the basic laws of mind.  You perceive from your mind and project your perceptions outward.  Although perception of any kind is unreal, you made it and the Holy Spirit can therefore use it well.   He can inspire perception and lead it toward God.  This convergence seems to be far in the future only because your mind is not in perfect alignment with the idea, and therefore does not want it now.

Peace:T-24-intro.1  “Forget not that the motivation for this course is the attainment and the keeping of the state of peace.”  T-8.1.1. The Direction of the Curriculum: Knowledge is not the motivation for learning this course.  Peace is.  This is the prerequisite for knowledge only because those who are in conflict are not peaceful, and peace is the condition of knowledge because it is the condition of the Kingdom. Knowledge can be restored only when you meet its conditions.”

Perception:  Healing as Corrected Perception   T-8.IX.1. I said before that the Holy Spirit is the Answer. He is the Answer to everything, because He knows what the answer to everything is.  The ego does not know what a real question is, although it asks an endless number.  Yet you can learn this as you learn to question the value of the ego, and thus establish your ability to evaluate its questions.  When the ego tempts you to sickness do not ask the Holy Spirit to heal the body, for this would merely be to accept the ego’s belief that the body is the proper aim of healing.  Ask, rather, that the Holy Spirit teach you the right perception of the body, for perception alone can be distorted.  Only perception can be sick, because only perception can be wrong.  T-8.IX.2. Wrong perception is the wish that things be as they are not.  The reality of everything is totally harmless, because total harmlessness is the condition of its reality.  It is also the condition of your awareness of its reality.  You do not have to seek reality.  It will seek you and find you when you meet its conditions.  Its conditions are part of what it is.  And this part only is up to you.  The rest is of itself.  You need do so little because your little part is so powerful that it will bring the whole to you.  Accept, then, your little part, and let the whole be yours.  T-8.IX.3. Wholeness heals because it is of the mind.

Projection:  You perceive from your mind and project your perceptions outward.  T-6.11.8 God created His Sons by extending His Thought, and retaining the extensions of His Thought in His Mind.  All His Thoughts are thus perfectly united within themselves and with each other.  The Holy Spirit enables you to perceive this wholeness now.   God created you to create.  You cannot extend His Kingdom until you know of its wholeness.  Thoughts begin in the mind of the thinker, from which they reach outward.  This is as true of God’s Thinking as it is of yours.  Because your mind is split, you can perceive as well as think. Yet perception cannot escape the basic laws of mind.

T-22.II.10. Behold the great projection, but look on it with the decision that it must be healed, and not with fear.  Nothing you made has any power over you unless you still would be apart from your Creator, and with a will opposed to His.  For only if you would believe His Son could be His enemy does it seem possible that what you made is yours.  You would condemn His joy to misery, and make Him different.  And all the misery you made has been your own.  Are you not glad to learn it is not true?  Is it not welcome news to hear not one of the illusions that you made replaced the truth?   T-22.II.11. Only  your thoughts have been impossible.  Salvation cannot be.  It is impossible to look upon your savior as your enemy and recognize him.  Yet it is possible to recognize him for what he is, if God would have it so.  What God has given to your holy relationship is there.  For what He gave the Holy Spirit to give to you He gave.  Would you not look upon the savior that has been given you?  And would you not exchange, in gratitude, the function of an executioner you gave him for the one he has in truth?  Receive of him what God has given him for you, not what you tried to give yourself.    T-22.II.12. Beyond the body that you interposed between you and your brother, and shining in the golden light that reaches it from the bright, endless circle that extends forever, is your holy relationship, beloved of God Himself.  How still it rests, in time and yet beyond, immortal yet on earth.  How great the power that lies in it.  Time waits upon its will, and earth will be as it would have it be.  Here is no separate will, nor the desire that anything be separate.  Its will has no exceptions, and what it wills is true.  Every illusion brought to its forgiveness is gently overlooked and disappears.  For at its center Christ has been reborn, to light His home with vision that overlooks the world.  Would you not have this holy home be yours as well?  No misery is here, but only joy.  T-22.II.13. All you need do to dwell in quiet here with Christ is share His vision.  Quickly and gladly is His vision given anyone who is but willing to see his brother sinless. And no one can remain beyond this willingness, if you would be released entirely from all effects of sin.  Would you have partial forgiveness for yourself?  Can you reach Heaven while a single sin still tempts you to remain in misery?  Heaven is the home of perfect purity, and God created it for you.  Look on your holy brother, sinless as yourself, and let him lead you there.

Salvation:  M-27.6. “And the last to be overcome will be death.”  Of course!  Without the idea of death there is no world.  All dreams will end with this one.  This is salvation’s final goal; the end of all illusions.  And in death are all illusions born.  What can be born of death and still have life?  But what is born of God and still can die?  The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless.  God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal.  Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?  M-27.7.  Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part.  Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you.  What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion.  Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth.  Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form.  Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.  And what is the end of death?  Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever.  Nothing but this. But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.

T-12.III.5. Salvation is for the mind, and it is attained through peace.  This is the only thing that can be saved and the only way to save it. Any response other than love arises from a confusion about the “what” and the “how” of salvation, and this is the only answer. Never lose sight of this, and never allow yourself to believe, even for an instant, that there is another answer.  For you will surely place yourself among the poor, who do not understand that they dwell in abundance and that salvation is come.   Scarity – deprivation: T12.III.6 To identify with the ego is to attack yourself and make yourself poor.  That is why everyone who identifies with the ego feels deprived.  What he experiences then is depression or anger, because what he did was to exchange Self-love for self-hate, making him afraid of himself.  He does not realize this.  Even if he is fully aware of anxiety he does not perceive its source as his own ego identification, and he always tries to handle it by making some sort of insane “arrangement” with the world. He always perceives this world as outside himself, for this is crucial to his adjustment. He does not realize that he makes this world, for there is no world outside of him.   Seek and do not find: IV. Seeking and Finding T-12.IV.1.  The ego is certain that love is dangerous, and this is always its central teaching.  It never puts it this way; on the contrary, everyone who believes that the ego is salvation seems to be intensely engaged in the search for love.  Yet the ego, though encouraging the search for love very actively, makes one proviso; do not find it.  Its dictates, then, can be summed up simply as: “Seek and do [not] find.”  This is the one promise the ego holds out to you, and the one promise it will keep.  For the ego pursues its goal with fanatic insistence, and its judgment, though severely impaired, is completely consistent.  T-12.IV.2.  The search the ego undertakes is therefore bound to be defeated.  And since it also teaches that it is your identification, its guidance leads you to a journey which must end in perceived self-defeat. For the ego cannot love, and in its frantic search for love it is seeking what it is afraid to find.  The search is inevitable because the ego is part of your mind, and because of its source the ego is not wholly split off, or it could not be believed at all.  For it is your mind that believes in it and gives existence to it.  Yet it is also your mind that has the power to deny the ego’s existence, and you will surely do so when you realize exactly what the journey is on which the ego sets you.

Seeing:  Lesson 8: No one really sees anything. He sees only his thoughts projected outward.”   LESSON 15.  “My thoughts are images that I have made.”  W-15.1. “It is because the thoughts you think you think appear as images that you do not recognize them as nothing.  You think you think them, and so you think you see them.  This is how your “seeing” was made.  This is the function you have given your body’s eyes.  It is not seeing.  It is image making.  It takes the place of seeing, replacing vision with illusions.”

Spiritual Sight:  From Glenda – by practicing true forgiveness your thinking changes and you start to think like Holy Spirit who looks out and sees only Himself…Holiness, Innocence.    Your sight changes from seeing through the bodies eyes to Christ Vision or Spiritual Sight where you think like Holy Spirit thinks.  You look out from above the battle ground and see only Holiness.  You still see the dream figures, but you know they are false images that you made up.   To release your Christ Light and see this holiness and innocence, you must realize that your brothers are your savior and see each person as a Holy Son of God and see the face of Christ on each person.   C-3.4. The face of Christ  has to be seen before the memory of God can return.  The reason is obvious.  Seeing the face of Christ involves perception.  No one can look on knowledge.  But the face of Christ is the great symbol of forgiveness.  It is salvation.  It is the symbol of the real world. Whoever looks on this no longer sees the worldHe is as near to Heaven as is possible outside the gate.  Yet from this gate it is no more than just a step inside.

Real World. From Glenda – by practicing true forgiveness your thinking changes and you start to think like Holy Spirit who looks out and sees only Himself…Holiness, Innocence.    Your sight changes from seeing through the bodies eyes to Christ Vision or Spiritual Sight where you think like Holy Spirit thinks.  You look out from above the battle ground and see only Holiness.  You still see the dream figures, but you know they are false images that you made up.   To release your Christ Light and see this holiness and innocence, you must realize that your brothers are your savior and see each person as a Holy Son of God and see the face of Christ on each person.   C-3.4. The face of Christ  has to be seen before the memory of God can return.  The reason is obvious.  Seeing the face of Christ involves perception.  No one can look on knowledge.  But the face of Christ is the great symbol of forgiveness.  It is salvation.  It is the symbol of the real world. Whoever looks on this no longer sees the worldHe is as near to Heaven as is possible outside the gate.  Yet from this gate it is no more than just a step inside.

Real World. What Is the Real World?  W-pII.8.1. The real world is a symbol, like the rest of what perception offers.  Yet it stands for what is opposite to what you made. Your world is seen through eyes of fear, and brings the witnesses of terror to your mind.  The real world cannot be perceived except through eyes forgiveness blesses, so they see a world where terror is impossible, and witnesses to fear can not be found.  W-pII.8.2. The real world holds a counterpart for each unhappy thought reflected in your world; a sure correction for the sights of fear and sounds of battle which your world contains.  The real world shows a world seen differently, through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace.  Nothing but rest is there.  There are no cries of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing there remains outside forgiveness.  And the sights are gentle.  Only happy sights and sounds can reach the mind that has forgiven itself.  W-pII.8.3. What need has such a mind for thoughts of death, attack and murder?  What can it perceive surrounding it but safety, love and joy?  What is there it would choose to be condemned, and what is there that it would judge against?  The world it sees arises from a mind at peace within itself.   No danger lurks in anything it sees, for it is kind, and only kindness does it look upon.  W-pII.8.4. The real world is the symbol that the dream of sin and guilt is over, and God’s Son no longer sleeps.  His waking eyes perceive the sure reflection of his Father’s Love; the certain promise that he is redeemed.  The real world signifies the end of time, for its perception makes time purposeless.  W-pII.8.5. The Holy Spirit has no need of time when it has served His purpose.  Now He waits but that one instant more for God to take His final step, and time has disappeared, taking perception with it as it goes, and leaving but the truth to be itself.  That instant is our goal, for it contains the memory of God.  And as we look upon a world forgiven, it is He Who calls to us and comes to take us home, reminding us of our Identity which our forgiveness has restored to us.

Salvation comes from me.   LESSON 70. My salvation comes from me.  W-70.1. All temptation is nothing more than some form of the basic temptation not to believe the idea for today.  Salvation seems to come from anywhere except from you.  So, too, does the source of guilt.  You see neither guilt nor salvation as in your own mind and nowhere else.  When you realize that all guilt is solely an invention of your mind, you also realize that guilt and salvation must be in the same place.  In understanding this you are saved.  W-70.2. The seeming cost of accepting today’s idea is this: It means that nothing outside yourself can save you; nothing outside yourself can give you peace.  But it also means that nothing outside yourself can hurt you, or disturb your peace or upset you in any way.  Today’s idea places you in charge of the universe, where you belong because of what you are.  This is not a role that can be partially accepted.  And you must surely begin to see that accepting it is salvation.
W-70.3. It may not, however, be clear to you why the recognition that guilt is in your own mind entails the realization that salvation is there as well.  God would not have put the remedy for the sickness where it cannot help.  That is the way your mind has worked, but hardly His.  He wants you to be healed, so He has kept the Source of healing where the need for healing lies.

Spirit:  T-31.VI.1.  Recognizing the Spirit.  You see the flesh or recognize the spirit. There is no compromise between the two.  If one is real the other must be false, for what is real denies its opposite.  There is no choice in vision but this one.  What you decide in this determines all you see and think is real and hold as true.  On this one choice does all your world depend, for here have you established what you are, as flesh or spirit in your own belief.  If you choose flesh, you never will escape the body as your own reality, for you have chosen that you want it so. But choose the spirit, and all Heaven bends to touch your eyes and bless your holy sight, that you may see the world of flesh no more except to heal and comfort and to bless.

Salvation is undoing.  If you choose to see the body, you behold a world of separation, unrelated things, and happenings that make no sense at all.  This one appears and disappears in death; that one is doomed to suffering and loss.  And no one is exactly as he was an instant previous, nor will he be the same as he is now an instant hence.  Who could have trust where so much change is seen, for who is worthy if he be but dust?  Salvation is undoing of all this. For constancy arises in the sight of those whose eyes salvation has released from looking at the cost of keeping guilt, because they chose to let it go instead.

Salvation does not ask that you behold the spirit and perceive the body not.  It merely asks that this should be your choice.  For you can see the body without help, but do not understand how to behold a world apart from it.  It is your world salvation will undo, and let you see another world your eyes could never find.  Be not concerned how this could ever be. You do not understand how what you see arose to meet your sight.  For if you did, it would be gone. The veil of ignorance is drawn across the evil and the good, and must be passed that both may disappear, so that perception finds no hiding place. How is this done? It is not done at all. What could there be within the universe that God created that must still be done?   Only in arrogance could you conceive that you must make the way to Heaven plain.  The means are given you by which to see the world that will replace the one you made.  Your will be done!  In Heaven as on earth this is forever true.  It matters not where you believe you are, nor what you think the truth about yourself must really be.  It makes no difference what you look upon, nor what you choose to feel or think or wish.  For God Himself has said, “Your will be done.”  And it is done to you accordingly.  You who believe that you can choose to see the Son of God as you would have him be, forget not that no concept of yourself will stand against the truth of what you are.  Undoing truth would be impossible.  But concepts are not difficult to change.  One vision, clearly seen, that does not fit the picture as it was perceived before will change the world for eyes that learn to see, because the concept of the self has changed.  T-31.VI.6.  Are you invulnerable? Then the world is harmless in your sight. Do you forgive?  Then is the world forgiving, for you have forgiven it its trespasses, and so it looks on you with eyes that see as yours.  Are you a body?  So is all the world perceived as treacherous, and out to kill.  Are you a spirit, deathless, and without the promise of corruption and the stain of sin upon you?  So the world is seen as stable, fully worthy of your trust; a happy place to rest in for a while, where nothing need be feared, but only loved.  Who is unwelcome to the kind in heart?  And what could hurt the truly innocent?  T-31.VI.7  Your will be done, you holy child of God.  It does not matter if you think you are in earth or Heaven.  What your Father wills of you can never change.  The truth in you remains as radiant as a star, as pure as light, as innocent as love itself.  And you are worthy that your will be done!

Secret of salvation: T-27.VIII.10.  “The secret of salvation is but this: that you are doing this unto yourself.  T-31.VI.1.  You see the flesh or recognize the spirit.   T-31.VI.3.  Salvation does not ask that you behold the spirit and perceive the body not. It merely asks that this should be your choice.”

Vision:    From Glenda – by practicing true forgiveness your thinking changes and you start to think like Holy Spirit who looks out and sees only Himself…Holiness, Innocence.    Your sight changes from seeing through the bodies eyes to Christ Vision or Spiritual Sight where you think like Holy Spirit thinks.  You look out from above the battle ground and see only Holiness.  You still see the dream figures, but you know they are false images that you made up.   To release your Christ Light and see this holiness and innocence, you must realize that your brothers are your savior and see each person as a Holy Son of God and see the face of Christ on each person.   C-3.4. The face of Christ  has to be seen before the memory of God can return.  The reason is obvious.  Seeing the face of Christ involves perception.  No one can look on knowledge.  But the face of Christ is the great symbol of forgiveness.  It is salvation.  It is the symbol of the real world. Whoever looks on this no longer sees the worldHe is as near to Heaven as is possible outside the gate.  Yet from this gate it is no more than just a step inside.  T -12.111.10 If you will recognize that all the attack you perceive is in your own mind and nowhere else, you will at last have placed its source, and where it begins it must end.  For in this same place also lies salvation.  The altar of God where Christ abideth is there.  You have defiled the altar, but not the world.  Yet Christ has placed the Atonement on the altar for you.  Bring your perceptions of the world to this altar, for it is the altar to truth.  There you will see your vision changed, and there you will learn to see truly.  From this place, where God and His Son dwell in peace and where you are welcome, you will look out in peace and behold the world truly.  Yet to find the place, you must relinquish your investment in the world as you project it, allowing the Holy Spirit to extend the real world to you from the altar of God.  T-18.III.8  You have found your brother, and you will light each other’s way.  And from this light will the Great Rays extend back into darkness and forward unto God, to shine away the past and so make room for His eternal Presence, in which everything is radiant in the light.  T-21.I.8. Beyond the body, beyond the sun and stars, past everything you see and yet somehow familiar, is an arc of golden light that stretches as you look into a great and shining circle.  And all the circle fills with light before your eyes.  The edges of the circle disappear, and what is in it is no longer contained at all.  The light expands and covers everything, extending to infinity forever shining and with no break or limit anywhere. Within it everything is joined in perfect continuity.  Nor is it possible to imagine that anything could be outside, for there is nowhere that this light is not.  This is the vision of the Son of God, whom you know well.  Here is the sight of him who knows his Father.  Here is the memory of what you are; a part of this, with all of it within, and joined to all as surely as all is joined in you.  Accept the vision that can show you this, and not the body.  You know the ancient song, and know it well.  Nothing will ever be as dear to you as is this ancient hymn of love the Son of God sings to his Father still.

Will: INTRODUCTION  C-in.1. This is not a course in philosophical speculation, nor is it concerned with precise terminology.  It is concerned only with Atonement, or the correction of perception.  The means of the Atonement is forgiveness.  The structure of “individual consciousness” is essentially irrelevant because it is a concept representing the “original error” or the “original sin.”  To study the error itself does not lead to correction, if you are indeed to succeed in overlooking the error.  And it is just this process of overlooking at which the course aims.  C-1.4. The other part of the mind is entirely illusory and makes only illusions.  Spirit retains the potential for creating, but its Will, which is God’s, seems to be imprisoned while the mind is not unified.  Creation continues unabated because that is the Will of God.  This Will is always unified and therefore has no meaning in this world.  It has no opposite and no degrees.  

World T-3.VII.6 “The world is not left by death but by truth” 

World: There is no world.  Lesson W-132.10.  What is the lesson for today except another way of saying that to know your Self is the salvation of the world?  To free the world from every kind of pain is but to change your mind about yourself.  There is no world apart from your ideas because ideas leave not their source, and you maintain the world within your mind in thought.   W-132.13.  There is no world because it is a thought apart from God, and made to separate the Father and the Son, and break away a part of God Himself and thus destroy His Wholeness.  Can a world which comes from this idea be real?  Can it be anywhere?  Deny illusions, but accept the truth.  Deny you are a shadow briefly laid upon a dying world.  Release your mind, and you will look upon a world released…..  I who remain as God created me would loose the world from all I thought it was. For I am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.

 M-27.6. “And the last to be overcome will be death.”  Of course!  Without the idea of death there is no world. All dreams will end with this one.  This is salvation’s final goal; the end of all illusions.  And in death are all illusions born.  What can be born of death and still have life?  But what is born of God and still can die?  The inconsistencies, the compromises and the rituals the world fosters in its vain attempts to cling to death and yet to think love real are mindless magic, ineffectual and meaningless.  God is, and in Him all created things must be eternal.  Do you not see that otherwise He has an opposite, and fear would be as real as love?  M-27.7.  Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part.  Do not believe in cruelty, nor let attack conceal the truth from you.  What seems to die has but been misperceived and carried to illusion.  Now it becomes your task to let the illusion be carried to the truth.  Be steadfast but in this; be not deceived by the “reality” of any changing form.  Truth neither moves nor wavers nor sinks down to death and dissolution.  And what is the end of death? 8 Nothing but this; the realization that the Son of God is guiltless now and forever. 9 Nothing but this. 10 But do not let yourself forget it is not less than this.

You do not realize that you make this world. There is no world outside of you:  T12.III.6 To identify with the ego is to attack yourself and make yourself poor.  That is why everyone who identifies with the ego feels deprived.  What he experiences then is depression or anger, because what he did was to exchange Self-love for self-hate, making him afraid of himself.  He does not realize this.  Even if he is fully aware of anxiety he does not perceive its source as his own ego identification, and he always tries to handle it by making some sort of insane “arrangement” with the world.  He always perceives this world as outside himself, for this is crucial to his adjustment.  He does not realize that he makes this world, for there is no world outside of him.